Dingo Facts

Canis lupis dingo

Dingos' are indigenous to Australia and South-east Asia. They are thought to be a descendant of the Asian wolf.

During the drier months female dingos' with often eat the droppings from their puppies to obtain further moisture to help produce more milk.
Dingos' are capable of turning their heads almost 180 degrees in both directions.
Dingos' are not capable of barking but instead howl and whine to communicate to others.
Back in the day Aboriginals would use tamed dingos' as warming blankets on cold nights.
When threatened they will sometimes feign death (fake death) to escape any possible danger.
There are very few pure bred dingos' left in the wild due to inter-breeding with domestic dogs.
The dingo is considered as Australia's largest mammal predator and preys mainly on kangaroos, rabbits, wallabies, rodents, lizards and even carrion.
Other than humans their only enemies are crocodiles on rare occasions and eagles when they are still puppies.
The dominant female of the pack will often kill puppies born of other female members.
The dingo has a very powerful jaw pushing at about 1500 pounds of bite force.
Dingos' are capable of running at top speeds of about 48 km/h (30 mph)
The world longest man-made structure is the 'Dingo fence' which was built in Southern Australia to protect life stock from dingo attacks.
Although dingos' are not considered dangerous to man there have been recorded cases of dingos' killing children.